Unique Health Retreat

Mikrobiom - Radiant Health for Life
Mikrobiom - Radiant Health for Life
Radiant Health for Life

Nobel Prize winner in medicine Dr. Alexis Carrel showed that a chicken heart could live more or less forever if it received the right nutrition and regular detox.

We learn to benefit from this truth on the course through smart nutrient-dense food and daily detox.

The focus of the course is that it should be feasible and that it should be possible for everyone regardless of background and economic status.

Experts say that 80% of our immune system is in the gut microbiome, i.e. our good protective bacteria. The microbiome is often out of balance in modern people.

A balanced Microbiome is often a quick shortcut to rapid rejuvenation that can lead to one or more of the following points:

☆ Rejuvenation of 10-20 years in energy, enthusiasm and libido
☆ A healthy, plump and smooth skin and a significant reduction in wrinkles
☆ More strength and endurance
☆ Increased muscle mass and fat reduction
☆ As you get more energy, eating becomes more balanced with reduced sugar cravings
☆ Good and deep sleep
☆ Increased empathy which leads to better relationships and clearer thoughts
☆ Optimism which is effective against depression, anxiety etc.

Other themes:

☆ Learn to use some important healthy herbs for optimal health
☆ Express course in simple modern acupuncture that can be easily done at home
☆ Special tips for women's various health challenges (also things for men).

The course focuses on the practical so that you can do this at home.

You will learn to detox and ferment food to update the microbiome.

There is also an online support group for a month or so.

When: January 19, 2025, 10-18
Where: Älta (Stockholm)
More info and registration: 073-6359213 or PM here on FB or kuosku@gmail.com
Cost: 1500 SEK

(there are a few beds in your own room if you need accommodation)

The course is led by Freddy Nielsen who, since he was 18, has studied various health systems in order to be able to live his entire life without illness or pain.

The course is a synthesis of the very best parts of Freddy's deep and several decades of studies of both old and ultra-modern well-functioning health systems around the world. All in a simple way to be able to live in his highest potential of high and stable energy and health on all levels: physical, mental, psychological and spiritual. Freddy lives as he teaches and has neither illness nor pain.

Freddy's physical strength increased in 3 weeks by over 300% with simple changes in the microbiome.

Freddy is known for teaching in an entertaining, positive and fun way. His passion is human potential and he lives in deep inner peace, joy and love all the time, which he teaches in another course.

He has also worked as a language teacher for 10 years and is studying 40 languages.

His courses are open to everyone and have also been visited by doctors, researchers, royalty, national leaders and celebrities in Hollywood. He has also collaborated with Dr. Wayne Dyer.

A warm welcome to a health retreat with a focus on You, Your health and Your possibilities.