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Natural health herbs

Discover the benefits of 100% natural herbs. After 50 years of research the optimal combination is developed. 150 million combinations are tested and studied and 44 plants are included in the solution that is most beneficial for the human body. See the list here and read more about the herbs properties.

Natural herbs gives body more energy and the optimal combination helps body recovering from all kind of diseases

Our products contains only pure nutrition extracted from natural plants. There are no side effects or allergy reactions. It is tested among 300.000 patients, that all got good results with no side effects. Since it is pure nutrition in smallest particle form it is absorbed directly into the blood. This is very effective and body get the nutrition needed. Blood will be cleansed and body will recover from all kinds of illnesses and rejuvenate. Studies have shown that blood and lymph system got 20-30 years younger biological age.

Read more about the testimonials among the users.

natural health herbs
natural health herbs
Ingredients in iHerQLes. Nutrition in molecular form, nothing else.

Around 400 plants have been studied, and 150 million combinations have been analyzed to find the optimal blend of herbs. Over 50 years of research have been dedicated to discovering the best nutritional solution for healthy cells and longevity. 44 herbs are included in the nutritional solution, one of them is fermentation of 3 of the herbs.

The specific molecules are extracted from the whole plant or root. For example, on one plant, there are only a small number of molecules extracted from one specific plant root.

The company studied which molecule did what and they have the patent pending technology to extract the exact molecules, while keeping the molecule intact (it is not an isolate). These molecules contain all the vitamins and the benefits, as the original plant, so that the body recognizes this as food.

The food-grade ethanol alcohol in the product is a misnomer and a labeling law problem.

Because of labeling laws, if the FDA does not have an ingredient on their list, the company has to choose what's closest to it. What is in IHeRQles' plant-fermented alcohol has to be a food for the product to work. The FDA does not have these plant-fermented alcohols on their list, which is why it reverts to food-grade plant ethanol alcohol.

In the extraction process of the specific plant molecules, they use a fermenting process in the extraction and leave a small amount of that fermented alcohol in the product to stabilize it. IHeRQles is a food product that is taken care of at the highest level, even down to what stabilizes it.

This allows a three-year shelf life, according to labeling law but the science team shows it will be more towards 23 years for iHeRQles lifespan per bottle. Labeling law does not allow you to go past three years On a label.

natural nutrition
natural nutrition
Through this process, the nutrition is very potent in its smallest particle form and also very stable, i.e. it retains its quality despite external circumstances such as time, heat and cold.
Through this advanced technology in combination with completely natural pure nutrition, we have something unique that strengthens the body on a fundamental level.

Get in Touch

purple flower with green leaves
purple flower with green leaves

Connect with us for inquiries about our 100% natural herb products and potent extracts.